Opening an investment account

Φόρμα για Άνοιγμα Νέου Χρηματιστηριακού Κωδικού

Select whether it is a natural or legal person to see the necessary documents below the form

Required documents to confirm customer personal details:

Greek Citizen

  1. Police or Military Identity Card or valid Passport. (Identity Verification)

  2. Recent tax clearance certificate. (VAT NUMBER)

  3. Recent utility bill. (Contact address)

  4. Recent landline or mobile phone bill. (Contact Phone)

  5. Client Share and Securities Account in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) (if they already exist)

  6. Proof of maintaining a bank account.
    In the name of the customer (first Beneficiary) in a Financial Institution based in an EU member state.

  7. Professional identity card or proof of salary or employer's certificate or document from an insurance company. (Profession)

Citizen of a country – member of the European Union

  1. Valid passport or Police ID card of their country. (Identity Verification)

  2. Recent tax clearance certificate. (VAT NUMBER)

  3. Recent utility bill. (Contact address)

  4. Recent landline or mobile phone bill. (Contact Phone)

  5. Client Share and Securities Account in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) (if they already exist)

  6. Proof of maintaining a bank account.
    In the name of the customer (first Beneficiary) in a Financial Institution based in an EU member state.

  7. Professional identity card or proof of salary or employer's certificate or document from an insurance company. (Profession)
  8. Social Security Number

Third Country National

  1. Passport or residence permit in Greece. (Identity Verification)

  2. Recent tax clearance certificate. (VAT NUMBER)
  3. Recent utility bill. (Contact address)

  4. Recent landline or mobile phone bill. (Contact Phone)

  5. Client Share and Securities Account in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) (if they already exist)

  6. Proof of maintaining a bank account.
    In the name of the customer (first Beneficiary) in a Financial Institution based in an EU member state.

  7. Professional identity card or proof of salary or employer's certificate or document from an insurance company. (Profession)



SA & Limited Liability Company

Submission of the Government Gazette (F.E.K.) of the Issue of S.A. and Limited Liability Companies (E.P.E.) where a summary of the S.A.'s or of the E.P.E.'s statutes has been published, which contains, among others:

  • The name, registered office, purpose, number of board members and the names of the administrators. (Validated)

  • Type of representation

  • The number and date of the decision of the authority that approved the formation of the S.A. or the number of the registration deed of article 8, paragraph 1 of Law 3190/1955 "on E.P.E.s"

  • The Government Gazette with any amendments to the articles of association relating to the above

  • Documents verifying the identity of the legal representatives and all natural persons authorized to handle the company account. (Validated)

In order to verify the identity of the beneficial owner-legal representative of the domestic company, the responsible declaration of the Beneficial Owner can be used, as defined by Annex II of Decision No. 1/506/8.4.2009 of the Capital Market Commission.

Personal company

  • Submission of a certified copy of the original corporate agreement filed with the court of first instance as well as any amendments thereof.

  • Submission of documents verifying the identity of the legal representatives and all natural persons authorized to handle the company's account.

Other legal entity

  • Submission of thelegalizing documents certified by a Public Authority.

  • Submission of the predefined  identity details of the legal representatives and all persons authorized to handle the company's account.

Offshore or Foreign Company

  • Responsible Declaration of Beneficial Owner of the Company's assets from each of them, as defined by article 4 of Law 3691/2008 and according to the attachment to decision 1/506/8.4.2009 of FROM,. Appendix II.

  • Articles of incorporation

  • Certificate of competent authority regarding the legal establishment, the current situation and the Board of Directors of the Company (Certificate of Good Standing)

  • Certificate of incorporation

  • Decision of the Board of Directors from which the names of the representatives of the company and the manner in which they bind it are derived

  • Certificate of the Company's Secretary (or any other competent person) regarding the company's statutes (Incumbency Certificate)

  • Copy of the Board of Directors' decision or written decision of the managers or the manager, in which the cooperation with the Company will be decided and the persons responsible for receiving and transmitting orders as well as the amount of the investment will be designated.

  • Any type of document certifying the company's financial status

For the determination of the countries in which offshore companies operate, decision No. 1108437/2565/DOS (Government Gazette B.1590/16.11.2005) of the Deputy Minister of Finance is taken into account. The Company applies the due diligence measures also regarding the beneficial owner.

Legal Entity or Association of Non-Profit Persons

Submission of the Government Gazette (F.E.K.) where a summary of the articles of association has been published, through which the legality of the client's articles of association is confirmed.